I found these doughnut peaches in a far-away Woolworths and couldn't resist buying them after reading about them on so many blogs lately. When it comes to peaches and nectarines, I've always been nectarine girl all the way and I never really liked peaches, but I think that's been because I've never tried a white peach. Or one of these babies.
They are amazing, full of flavour and so juicy. I have not seen them since my visit to the far-away Woolworths, not at any of our grocers or at the markets. Is it a climate thing? Is it too hot for doughnut peaches up here? Are they going out of season? I hope that there isn't a reason and that I am just not looking hard enough, because I really enjoyed them.
I tried being fancy with some of them and cut them in half, topped them with some beaten egg whites and sugar and put them under the grill to give them a meringue hat, but I burned the meringue. I've bought some more (regular) peaches so I can try again, but for now I'm just sharing how much I love doughnut peaches.
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