Saturday 20 February 2010

Fresh pasta

While we were on Christmas holidays I did a massive cleanout of our storage area and garage, going through boxes and throwing lots of things away. In one of the boxes I found my pasta maker which I bought on special years ago and never used. I've often thought of it as I have always wanted to make fresh pasta.

So, I took it out of its box and gave it a wash and put it on our kitchen counter to remind me to use it. It took a while, but I finally did.

Following this handy guide at Memorie di Angelina, I made a single serving using 100g of pasta, a pinch of salt and one egg. I did have to add a little bit of water to firm the dough into a ball.

I was so excited when the dough came through the widest setting on my pasta maker looking nice and smooth and when it came out looking like fettucine. I had so much fun. I can't wait to make it again.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh that homemade pasta looks great! I would love to try and make my own one day!
