Tuesday 12 July 2011

Knock knock. Ahem, excuse me?

I thought this was supposed to be a blog?

Yes, um… Sorry about that.

See, for the last few months, work has been like this:


It has made it hard to cook at all, much less blog about cooking.  I have eaten more pizza in the last two months than… well… We’ve eaten a LOT of pizza.

Although there has been a lot of all work and no play (makes Adrasteia a lousy food blogger), we have had some blogworthy meals.  There are also an awful lot of blogworthy meals from post-hiatus waiting a write up.  I can’t wait to get back to a regular blogging schedule.

To catch you up, here’s some of the things that I’ve been eating over the past few months.  Some may get their own posts, some won’t, but they all should be shared.


I discovered the wonders of Overnight Oats, but I don’t really like cold oats, so they are warm overnight oats.


I tried to go shopping for baking ingredients at Christmas time.


I managed to find what I needed though.


I bought a spiralizer! Well, two, but they are good for different things.  The first thing I made was raw zucchini noodles and a raw marinara sauce from Girl on Raw.


I made vegan Tempeh taco salad from Delectably Free.


A lovely co-worker brought me in some freshly laid eggs.  They were incredible.  They were huge too!!!


More on the raw food front: raw parsnip nori rolls.


I experimented with black bean baking, using some peanut butter dessert hummus as a frosting.


I made a new friend.  USA Foods sneakily began importing Peanut Butter & Co peanut butters.  I tried Dark Chocolate Dreams and loved it.  I tried Smooth Operator and loved it.  I then gave in to temptation and ordered Bees Knees and White Chocolate Wonderful.  They have Mighty Maple too.  I haven’t tried that yet….

Thanks to all the readers out there that are still out there.  I really appreciate your patience.

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