Saturday 30 July 2011

Tweet tweet!

I've been really unfortunate to have missed out on the last three Brisbane food blogger events I've been invited to because I've been sick every single time.

The lovely Cora of Hungry Kittens has written a wonderful recap of the recent Sake Brisbane preview of Head Chef Shinichi Maeda's Winter menu, which I was dying to attend.  (Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it).  In Cora's recap she mentioned how it was odd meeting everyone in real life when you know their blogs so well and how everyone was really friendly.  I want to meet everyone too!

Well, since I never seem to make it to Brisbane food blogger events I'm reaching out by social networking.  Thanks to Little m and Big m over at Gustoso and their formidable Brisbane Food Blogger list my Twitter list is growing.

So, if you want to hear more of my ramblings (I daresay I might tweet more than I post!) check me out here!

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