Tuesday 13 April 2010


I love tiramisu. It really is a lovely pick me up. When I read that the February Daring Baker's Challenge was tiramisu I was very excited, because there was a massive selection of gorgeous desserts to feast my eyes on. Predictably, soon after this I wanted to eat some tiramisu.

While I love to bake I am nowhere near the baker that any of the Daring Bakers are, so while I was incredibly inspired by these amazing creations, my tiramisu was much simpler. I was delighted by Ellie's beautiful construction of her Eight Texture Tiramisu at Almost Bourdain and I tried to fashion my tiramisu after hers. I even tried to get another texture to mine by adding some finely grated chocolate between the layers. It was very nice.

One day I will set aside some time and store some patience to attempt Ellie's dessert as written, but this time I followed my failsafe recipe from Italian Food Safari. It looks wonderful though, thank you Ellie for your fantastic pictures!


  1. Mmmm, I wanted to make a Tiramsu for the February DB Challenge, but I too don't have the patience to make EVERYTHING from scratch :)

    I was thinking of making the Orange Tian for last month, but the Tiramisu still looks so appetising incomparison. Yours looks like it is from a Patisserie.

    Again, great work!


  2. Your tiramisu looks gorgeous! Thanks for the mention :)

  3. it looks terrific : I love all its high!
